Blog # 4

Name:  Ali Al Beadhany 

Date: 09-13-19

Prof. Name: aalbeadhany

Class: ENG 110

We’ll fight this battle together.” This statement suggests that one is not alone in the battle. I believe it strengthens those involved. We need to uplift each other in life especially during crisis.

“wild beast preying on a city.” This statement invokes danger. Something that must be addressed immediately and with a plan to eradicate the problem. I can see where this would cause people to choose a more aggressive solution. It can be a little scary.

disease as an “enemy”. Brings to light that you must find strength within yourself to defeat and or stop your adversary from destroying or killing you. It may seem horrible to some, but I believe we need this imagery to overcome. And maybe some are faint of heart and turn to despair but isn’t that because we are all so different. I applaud this.

Michael Erred”metaphors are meant to help people understand the unfamiliar.” Such is the quote “We’ll fight this battle together.” A health issue can be devastating and frightening. Having someone’s support brings 

Blog 2

Name:  Ali Al Beadhany 

Date: 09-09-19

Prof. Name: aalbeadhany

Class: ENG 110

After reading this article I found it very interesting but what stood out to me was the fact the many of the words were misspelt and used over again multiple times. For example: Miscategorised(Miscategorized) is spelt incorrectly and the actual spelling is Miscategorized.  Another misspelt word is organisations(Organizations) which the correct spelling is organizations. Others are, Programmes(Programs), centralising(Centralizing), catergorisation(Categorization), conventionalised(Conventionalized) and reconisable(Recognizable).  The article was interesting as far as ideas on how to present metaphors to the students.  It talked about in this article that you could not use a dictionary to explain a mapping of metaphors, however you do need a dictionary to spell the words in this article correctly.  It got me to thinking about the English language and how important it is to be exact, so there would be no miscommunication.   Words are like doors to be opened into new worlds. I know this personally because I am a second language student.  Words are important because I have to finish my education and be able to use these words in the real world.  This Article makes me think seriously about my English and communicating correctly. This article makes me appreciate the errors I found and helps me be prepared for the future.

Blog 1

Comparing Video V.S. Reading 

            Reading is a lifelike process and watching is a passive visual process. A person needs more focus and concentration than to as watching a video or movie.   Watching a movie is like having someone explain every step to you as whereas to reading you have to do the work and understand on your own. Videos are much more easily understood as whereas reading you have to comprehend on your own. Videos are more explanatory, so the human brain takes in more information. Sometime reading can be a longer process for our brain to comprehend.  

            On videos you can watch more quickly while your brain takes in more information to process more quickly and efficiently.  Learning harder things is much more easily and faster with videos as compared to reading.  When you want to learn and keep the information in your brain for a long time than it would best to pick up a book and read it.  

It’s harder to understand the books but once you do understand that is when our brain will take the information and store it better for the rest of your life.   Reading is also better for your brain so you don’t get illnesses, whereas to watching videos it can cause illnesses. Scientific studies are proven people who read are less likely to inherit Alzheimer’s disease. Whereas to watching videos you could get seizures or other problems including vision problems. 
